Monday, November 19, 2012


I am using the beautiful Artwork of Ed Mironiuk 
 You require a license to use this artist. Now selling at CDO
Font:Fancy Pants 
 PTU Scrapkit mini from Hungry Hill purchase this kit and many others Here 
Mask MB AND SW mask23 by Staci Moon Beams and Spiderwebs
This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro® 
 with the understanding that you have a working knowledge of this program.
 (I used PhotoX4 but you should have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP) 

 Open a new image 600 X 480 transparent 72dpi select all open paper 4 copy, drag to tag canvas apply MB and SW mask23 merge group , 
 open frame 3 re-size 60% copy and paste as new layer, 
 open word art 1 resize by 20% move to top left of tag.
 Add drop shadow Horizontal 1 vertical 3 opac 53 blur 3 color black, 
 open tree re-size by 50% move to left side. 
 Open tube copy and paste as new layer re-size to your liking.
 Add drop shadow Horizontal 1 vertical 3 opac 53 blur 3 color black, 
 open snow re-size by 70% move to bottom 
 open star string re-size by 70%  
Add drop shadow Horizontal 1 vertical 3 opac 53 blur 3 color black.
 Open holly and re-size by 20% place upper right of tag.
 open paper 2 then go to materials pallet and change foreground properties to black change fill properties to pattern choose paper 2 angle 0 scale 100.
 select font tool fancypants size 40 sharp stroke width 1, add your name. 
 Merge visible to save as PNG. 
This tutorial was written by me Nov 18, 2012. 
 Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional. 
Please do not copy or upload this tutorial to another website. 
 You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly. 
 ☼XtenzivImage☼ 2012 -All artwork used remains the copyright of the owner.

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