Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dead Men Tell No-Tales Revamp

I found a tut that was very similar to my original dead men tut SOoOO with a brand new Sheila craig tube i decided i would Re-Vamp a tired old tut so here it is Dead Men Tell no Tales!

I am using the beautiful Artwork of Sheila Craig you can get her tubes from her deviantart site Sheila's deviant page

Font: by Steven Ferrera Pieces of Eight

Scrapkit: Monti's A Pirates Life For Me.HERE
(on the left index click Scrap Kits link)
Thank you Monti for permission to use your kit in this tutorial.

Mask is KWS- Mask 17By Kristins Wicked Scrapz Place this file in your masks folder.

and also WSL_Mask 105By Chelle Place this file in your masks folder.

Filter either Eyecandy 4000 or Eye Candy5 Gradient glow
Pattern i used was called Tile Rippled sand click on name and save this tile to your pattens folder,

This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro® with the understanding
that you have a working knowledge of this program.

(I used PhotoX2 but you should have no trouble recreating it
with earlier versions of PSP)

Open a new image 500 X 500 transparent

Flood fill with black now apply WSL_Mask 105 ,
Layers, Merge, merge group.

Open Monti-PL Skull Paper1 paste as new layer
Apply KWS_Mask17,

merge group. source luminance
fit to canvas invert transparency .

Apply gradient glow I use impact5 settings
on my tag but if you dont have it then use the EC4000 settings Photobucket

Reduce the opacity of this layer down to 73%

Open Monti-PL Gold coins and paste as new layers

resize coins by 40% (make sure resize all layers is
unchecked) and move to the bottom left.

Open Monti-PL JollyRoger flying and paste as new layers

resize coins by 50% and move to left side of tag

Open tube of choise, the tube i used had to be resized by 33% i tried
to make it look like her foot was resting on the flag pole.

open Monti-PL-FilledTreasureChest paste as new layer and resize to 40 %

move it to bottomleft, covering the end of the flag pole and her bottom

Open Monti-PL-Placard-DeadMen and paste as new layer and resize by 27%

Open Monti-PL Palm Tree and paste as new layer resize by 50%

Now the hard part adding the sand, change your foreground properties to pattern, chose Tiled rippled sand

Now create a new layer between KWS mask and your coin layers then draw a selection Using your lasso selection tool set to freehand

draw freehand around the treasure chest the girl etc to make it look like she's laying on the sand once you have the selection floating use flood fill to fill with sand pattern.

i know, i know your thinking that looks awful.. lol but what you have to do now is erase the edges so choose your eraser tool , size 25 or so Hardness 66 step 10 density 45 opacity 48 and
just click around the outside edges ... don't drag it will take out too much just keep clicking until you take away that sharp edge

P.s i also clicked on the bottom of the placard to make it appear dug in the sand.
Add Copyright © and licence info your taggers watermark if any. Add your name i used Pieces of Eight font selected a small sample of her suit bottoms used it as my pattern fill.

Merge All Flatten and your done. (Tip: if you would rather not have it on a white background instead of merging flat select merge visable and save a PNG this will keep the outsides transparent/ JUST REMEMBER TO have your copyrights in a color that can be seen on whatever color background you put it on!)



This tutorial is my own creation. Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional.

Please do not copy it, upload it to another website. You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly.

☼XtenzivImage☼ ©2010 -All artwork used remains the copyright of the creators.