Thursday, November 17, 2011


I'm using the beautiful Artwork of The Hunter 
 You require a license to use this artist. Now selling at PTE
PTU Scrapkit Tainted by Hungry Hill purchase this kit and many other fabulous kits Here 
 Mask from WeeScotsLass Mask WSL_266 It will be in the 241-300 4shared link on the right. 
 This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro® 
 With the understanding that you have working knowledge of this program. 
(I used PhotoX3 but you should have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP)
 Open a new image 600 X 500 transparent 72dpi 
 open paper 9 copy and paste onto your tag as a new layer 
 apply WSL mask source luminance fit to canvas and hide all mask selected. 
open and resize smear by 80% place near the bottom
 open and resize lattice by 60% duplicate and mirror add drop shadow 
V= -2 H=2 O=100 blur 2 color black to both i did this step twice. 
Open The Hunter Leo-Zodiac drop shadow with V= -4 H=4 O=59 blur 5 color black.
 (to hide her butt like i did duplicate the girl) open and resize WA_Tarnished by 80% 
apply gradient glow I used eyecandy 5 check outside glow/ glow radius 5/ soft corners 4/ overall opacity 50/ distortion 17/ lump size 22/ smoothness 48 double white then black then white
 (move it around till it hides her butt, when happy Slide the tarnished WA to between the two girl layers now erase the top girls butt, this leaves her boots on top of the WA.) 
 Added my font Romance Fatal serif size 65 black outline stroke width 1
 #7f5437 R=127 G=84 B=55 for the color placed just inside the frame on the bottom.
 Repeat the glow side under the girl so it looks like shes touching it. 
open and resize rose by 30% then flip the image place near the bottom
 open and resize letterbox by 30% place near the bottom in front of the stem cutoff of the rose. 
 That's it your done! Merge all flatten. 
 This tutorial was created Nov 10 2011. 
 Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional.
 Please do not copy or upload this tutorial to another website. 
 You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly. 
 ☼XtenzivImage☼ 2011 
-All artwork used remains the copyright of the owner.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dark Witch

I am using the beautiful Artwork of Keith Garvey 
 You require a license to use this artist. Now selling at PTE 
Font: Pieces of Eight
PTU Scrapkit Dark Mistress by Hungry Hill purchase this kit and many other fabulous kits Here  
Mask from WeeScotsLass Mask WSL_254 It will be in the 241- 300 4shared link on the right.
 This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro® 
 With the understanding that you have working knowledge of this program. 
(I used PhotoX3 but you should have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP)
 Open a new image 600 X 525 transparent 72dpi 
 open paper 3 copy and paste onto your tag as a new layer
 apply WSL mask source luminance fit to canvas and hide all mask selected.
open and resize frame by 70% Add a new raster Layer
using your selection tool set to rectangle
 trace out the frame from just under the matte and only half way down,
open and copy spider web header paste header into the selection.
See my tag for reference if you need to but tuts are just a reference it’s all about your originality.
 open and resize dangle by 43% mirror and place on right side
open and resize poor yorick by 23%
open and resize candle by 23% and place on yoricks head.
open and resize black rose by 20% place onto the tag
now duplicate the rose twice so you have three all together
 place two at the top of the frame spread apart a little.
duplicate the remaining rose and resize 80% place at the bottom of the tag by yoricks jaw.
 Open Keith Garveys Tabitha resize by 90% drop shadow with V= -4 H=3 O=100
 blur 5 color black. open and resize kitty by 40%
Added my font Witchcraft size 30 black outline stroke width 1 #8d0000 R=141 G=0 B=0 for the color placed just inside the frame on the bottom.
That's it your done! Merge all flatten.
This tutorial was created Nov 09 2011. Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional. Please do not copy or upload this tutorial to another website.
 You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly.
 ☼XtenzivImage☼ 2011
 -All artwork used remains the copyright of the owner.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am using the beautiful Artwork of Keith Garvey 
 You require a license to use this artist. Now selling at PTE 
Font: Pieces of Eight
PTU Scrapkit Pearl Of The Carribean by Hungry Hill 
purchase this kit and many other fabulous kits from her store  
 This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro®
 with the understanding that you have a working knowledge of this program.
 (I used PhotoX3 but you should have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP) 
 Open a new image 600 X 500 transparent 72dpi 
 open and resize map mask 80 % place onto the tag 
open and resize globe by 60% paste as a new layer
 ***Or Drop n drag from layers pallet onto tag** 
 close all original elements without saving.
 open and resize frame-snapshot 50%  now using your selction tool set to rectangle
 trace out the frame add a new raster layer drag this layer beneath frame 
 now open and copy paper 3 paste into selection on the new layer you just made
 keeping the selection active I used Garv's Peel image i just mirrored copied and
 pasted as new layer selections invert then delete. 
 open and resize moss by 80% mirror and place on right side
 I added a drop shadow V=0 H=1 O=59 blur 4 color black. open and resize stash box 30% 
open Garv's Pirate girl 2 resize by 90% drop shadow V= -4 H=3 O=63 blur 7 color black.
 Move her around till she's almost center to the frame behind her but you can still see other girl,
butt her foot up against stashbox. Open and resize starfish first by 30% then again by 40% 
place onto the tag open and resize shell 4 first by 30% then again by 40% place onto the tag
open and resize ship in a bottle by 15% place onto the tag drop shadow those 3 elements
 V=1 H=1 O=100 blur 4 color black.
 open and resize scroll and book by 25% place onto the tag
open and resize parrot 2 by 25% place onto the tag.
 drop shadow these two with V= -2 H=1 O=100 blur 4 color black.
 Added my font Pieces of Eight black outline stroke width 1 #7e6236 R=126 G=98 B=54 for the color placed at the top merge all flatten. That's it your done!~

This tutorial was created Nov 08, 2011
Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional.
Please do not copy or upload this tutorial to another website.
 You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly.
 ☼XtenzivImage☼ 2011 -All artwork used remains the copyright of the owner.