Thursday, January 24, 2013

Queen of Hearts

I am using the beautiful Artwork of Jose Cano
You require a license to use this artist. Now selling at Scraps and the City
 PTU Scrapkit mini from Hungry Hill purchase this kit and many others Here 
Mask MB AND SW mask34 by Staci Moon Beams and Spiderwebs 
 This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro®
 with the understanding that you have a working knowledge of this program.
 (I used PhotoX5 but you should have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP)

 Open a new image 600 X 500 transparent 72dpi select all 
 open and copy paper 5 paste into selection/ select none 
 apply MB and SW mask34 merge group ,
 open heart spill resize by 40% copy paste or drag to canvas
, duplicate place on either side merge these two layers 
dupicate again and move to bottom merge those two layers.
 open frame 1 copy paste or drag to tag canvas resize by 80%
 open cupcakes resize by 30% move to bottom right. 
 Open tube copy and paste as new layer resize to your liking. 
Add drop shadow Horizontal -2 vertical -4 opac 53 blur 3 color black, 
 duplicate frame drag above tube layer erase part that's covering her face
 then click on tube layer and delete parts that are sticking out 
 open each of the following elements and resize by 30% 
cup-2, cookie, candybox2, bow 1, paper hearts 
drag each element to tag close originals without saving
 now re-size bow 1 again by 30 duplicate and put on other side
 re-size cookie by 30% again. move each element around to your liking.
 open WA2 resize by 30% place on left side. 
 select font tool waterfalls size 48 sharp background white width 1, fill #990000 add your name.

 Merge visable to save as PNG.
 This tutorial was writen Jan 20, 2013. Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional. Please do not copy or upload this tutorial to another website. 
 You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly. 
 ☼XtenzivImage☼ 2012 -
All artwork used remains the copyright of the creator.

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Valentine

I am using the beautiful Artwork of Ted Hammond 
 You require a license to use this artist. Now selling at CDO 
PTU Scrap LHD Valentine Mini1 Here 
Mask MB AND SW Forum mask 7 by Staci Moon Beams and Spiderwebs 
Filter Eyecandy5 Impact gradient glow 
 This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro® 
 with the understanding that you have a working knowledge of this program.
 (I used PhotoX5 but you should have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP) 

**Program Tip: If you highlight your text and highlight the font name in the dropdown you can scroll up and down though your fonts to preview how they look on the tag** 


 Open a new image 600 X 300 transparent 72dpi select all 
 open paper 1 copy and paste into selection 
 add a new raster layer open and copy paper 4 paste into selection/ select none 
 apply MB and SW Forum mask 7 merge group 
 change blend mode to soft light.
 open paper 2 change image canvas size to 600 x 300. 
select all, selection modify- contract by 10. 
 selection invert copy and paste onto tag. (making the frame)
re-size by 80%
 Add drop shadow vertical -3 Horizontal -4 opac 57 blur 8 color black
 open Wordart 1 re-size by 40%  
 move to bottom right corner of tag. 
 open and re-size element 26 by 70% move to bottom left of tag. 
 Add drop shadow vertical -3 Horizontal -4 opac 57 blur 8 color black
 open and re-size element 30 by 30% do this twice.
 drag heart from layer pallet onto tag 5 times
 move the five hearts around to your liking or see my tag for placement. 
open and re-size element 23 by 30%. Move to bottom right
duplicate and merge the two. duplicate again and place on the other side near the top.
open and re-size element 7 by 30%. copy to tag
duplicate x2 and move the flower to desired location or see my tag for placement
Add drop shadow vertical -2 Horizontal -2 opac 57 blur 3 color black
open element 18 copy to tag i put it underneath the flower layer.
make sure your on the top layer now paste your tube i re-sized mine by 80% image flip horizontal and placed her foot against the frame.
 Add drop shadow vertical -4 Horizontal -5 opac 57 blur 8 color black
now for your name i used words of love size 48 stroke width 1 color black fill color #f0709d

** DUPLICATE THE TAG MINIMIZE go to the original Merge all flatten save as a jpeg. close

 open a new image i like the w150 x h200 size but check with your forums rules for correct size allowed for your group. Select all
 click on tag bottom/background layer copy and paste into av selection
 use your selection tool to grab the hearts and place on av 
 same with flower i re-sized by 70%  
paste tube as new layer 
i then dragged my font and copyright layers over from the banner.
 selected the bottom half of the tube layer image adjust blur gaussion blur 3  
i then added a gradient glow using eyecandy impact 5 gradient glow.
add a new raster layer select all selections modify contract x 2 selections invert flood fill black
Merge all flatten save as a jpeg.
This tutorial was created Jan 20th 2013.
 Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional. 
Please do not copy or upload this tutorial to another website. 
 You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly.
 ¤XtenzivImage¤ 2012 
*all artwork used remains the copyright of the creator.*