Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Simply Barbara

I am using the beautiful Artwork of Barbara Jenson 
 You require a license to use this artist. Burlesque sells at Scraps and the City 
Font: Passions Conflictb 
PTU Scrapkit LadyHawwk Designs Simply Teal.Here 
Mask MB AND SW mask 22 by Staci Moon Beams and Spiderwebs. 
 This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro® 
 with the understanding that you have a working knowledge of this program.
 (I used PhotoX4 but you should have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP) 

**Program Tip: If you highlight your text and highlight the font name then you can scroll up and down though your fonts to preview how they look on the tag** 

 Open a new image 600w X 500h transparent 72dpi select all 
 open paper 13 and apply MB and SW Mask 22 merge group. 
 resize by 70% copy and paste into selection. Select none. 
 I used my pick tool and dragged the mask out on the sides to fill the canvas. 
 open Frame 6 resize by 70 %  
 Paste as a new layer.  
 open element 56 resize by 50% image flip horizontal copy paste as new layer move to top right of frame merge down, 
 open element 54 drag this below your frame layer using your eraser erase wood part of frame so the clock shows thru careful not to erase the flowers.
 open and resize tube to your liking add a drop shadow vertical 1 Horizontal -9 opac 57 blur 7 color black
 duplicate and drag one layer below the frame now return to the one above and erase so it looks like her legs are inside but her wings stay outside.
 open and resize element 29 by 50 % place on far side of frame  
 open and resize element 8 by 50 % place on far side of frame on top of 29  
 open and resize element 2 by 50 % place on far side of frame on top of the other elements  
 open element 5 copy and place on far side as well 
 Add drop shadow vertical 1 Horizontal -1 opac 57 blur 3 color black add your text, 
 open and resize element 11 by 50 % place on bottom of frame repeat last drop shadow 
i used Passions Conflict 48 color forground r=0 g=0 b=0 color background r=33 g=124 b=172 but many script fonts would look great with the tag.
This tutorial was created Apr 8th 2012.
 Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional. 
Please do not copy or upload this tutorial to another website. 
 You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly.
 ¤XtenzivImage¤ 2012 
-All artwork used remains the copyright of the owner.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I am using the beautiful Artwork of Rachel Anderson 
 You require a license to use this artist. Now selling at CDO 
PTU ScrapBundle LHD Anderson package 19 Here  
It's awesome you get the kit and 3 GORGEOUS TUBES

Mask MB AND SW Forum mask 6 by Staci Moon Beams and Spiderwebs 
Filter Eyecandy5 Impact gradient glow 
 This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro® 
 with the understanding that you have a working knowledge of this program.
 (I used PhotoX4 but you should have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP) 

**Program Tip: If you highlight your text and highlight the font name then you can scroll up and down though your fonts to preview how they look on the tag** 

 Open a new image 600 X 250 transparent 72dpi select all 
 open paper 8 copy and paste into selection 
 add a new raster layer open and copy paper 9 paste into selection/ select none 
 apply MB and SW Forum mask 6 merge group 
 Add drop shadow vertical 1 Horizontal -9 opac 63 blur 7 color black
 open element 20 resize by 50% Image flip horizontal move to bottom right of tag. 
 Add drop shadow vertical 1 Horizontal -9 opac 37 blur 7 color black 
 open and resize element 22 by 30% Image flip horizontal move to top right of tag. 
 open element 28 resize by 50% image rotate right all layers by 45 and paste as new layer, 
 Add drop shadow vertical 1 Horizontal -9 opac 37 blur 7 color black
 open and resize Wordart by 15% effect plugins eyecandy impact 5 gradient glow.
 settings check outside glow/ glow radius 8.76 / soft corners 2/ overall opacity 55/
 distortion 4/ lump size 6/ smoothness 100 color #ffcoff r=255 g=192 b=255 
 Now add your tube i put mine in the middle and down a bit 
you decide where you think it looks best. 
 Add drop shadow vertical 1 Horizontal -9 opac 57 blur 7 color black add your text, 
i used Shipped Goods sizz 48 color forground r=78 g=54 b=139 color background r=200 g=170 b=202 but many script fonts would look great with the tag.

** DUPLICATE THE TAG MINIMIZE go to the original Merge all flatten save as a jpeg. close

 click on tube layer image flip horizontal resize by 89% and move her over to the far right
 click on whiteflower layer drag closer to tube see mine for approx placement
 I also dragged my text over. leaving room between edge and font too add a border 
 merge all flatten crop a 150 X 150 select all 
image modify contract selections invert by 4 flood fill with forground. 
(forground and background properties unchanged from font settings)
 image modify contract by 2 flood fill with background. 
 *****DON'T FORGET YOUR COPYRIGHTS***** Merge all flatten save as a jpeg.
This tutorial was created Apr 6th 2012.
 Any similarity to any other tut is coincidental and completely unintentional. 
Please do not copy or upload this tutorial to another website. 
 You may share the link to the blog or the tutorial page directly.
 ☼XtenzivImage☼ 2012 
-All artwork used remains the copyright of the owner.