Sunday, August 1, 2010

Deck The Halls


I am using the beautiful Artwork
of Barbara Jensen A/C Warning
This is her only Free to use tube called Paris In The Morning.. you can get 3 differant Paris tubes free from HERE


Scrapkit from SarahDeck The Halls

Mask from Stu i have included it in my supplies!

Thank you Stu for your permission please do not rename or claim as your own
Check out his blog

Unzip supplies to it's own folder, and copy stu's mask to your mask's folder.

I used Eyecandy Impact filter this is a pay filter so i cannot share it but you an find a free trial HERE
This Tutorial was created using Corel's Paint Shop Pro® with the understanding
that you have a working knowledge of this program.

(I used PhotoX2 but you should
have no trouble recreating it with earlier versions of PSP)

**Program Tip: you can click and drag open items onto a working canvas, in order
to do this you need to have your layers palette open then just select the layer you want then click and drag it to your canvas**

Open a new image 600w X 500h
bg White
add a New raster layer Select all then Open XtenzivImageWinter bg from supplies

Apply Stu's mask merge group

Open deck the halls word art and resize by 50% place near the top of the page

apply Eyecandy Impact/ gradient glow settings /outside selected/ mask selection checked / glow radius =7 /soft corners=16 overall opacity=71 / distortion= 0/ distortion lump=64 / gradient smooth=100/ random seed=1

make sure you have a white box/ then a black one/ then a white one

play around till your happy with the glow.

open string lights resize by 95%

open tree1 and resize by 50 % click and drag to canvas

open pine cones and resize by 20% click and drag to canvas

move the pinecones to the layer below the tree

and arrange so the just peak out from under the left hand side

now merge those 2 layers (tree and pinecones)

open gift2 resize by 20% then again by 80% Click n drag to canvas move over in front of tree merge the layer down

open star resize by 85% duplicate move both of the star layers under your tree layer

open Barbara ParisXmas resize by 75% drag to canvas move between two star layers

Duplicate Paris move duplicate above second star layer

Click on bottom star layer using your magic wand settings / replace/ RGB / Tolerance 65 conti.. and anti alias checked

Selections/ modify/ by 5 then selections invert. Click on bottom paris layer and press delete.

now click on top paris layer and erase her legs.

Merge top paris with top star then merge down with second paris.

open swag and resize by 40% move over to center bottom of the tag

merge with paris layer.

okay now for the tricky part.. Animation

ok so you should have a merged tree layer with pine cones n gift .. and your paris layer with star n swag Merge those two
Now add your name I used Heather color bg= #7f672f no stroke and applied the same gradient glow settings

then add your copyright info merge both name and copyright to paris layer

now merge the bottom star with deck the halls and stu's mask and white background.

open the falling snow animation. copy first layer of snow and paste in between the two layers
merge all copy and paste as new animation

back in paintshop pro.. click undo hide first snow layer add second snow layer merge all
copy n paste into animation after current frame back in paintshop pro..
repeat hide second layer add third layer merge all..
you get the point do this untill you have pasted all 10 frames. save your animation!~



This tutorial is my own creation. Any similarity to any other tut is
coincidental and completely unintentional.

Please do not copy it, upload it to another website. You may share the link to
the blog or the tutorial page directly. ☼XtenzivImage☼ ©2010 -All artwork used remains the copyright of the creators.